Did you know that medication errors and failure to meet best practice prescribing in the management of chronic conditions are major factors influencing poor health outcomes?

We want to work with you to optimize your health, so you can be as well as possible. If you have a medical condition, which is not optimally controlled and you need medication, or if you have several chronic medical conditions requiring a number of different medications, you may benefit by having a medication review with a consultant.

You can be referred to a Ann Winkle who will see you in your own home. Our pharmacist, Ann Winkle, will explain to you what each medication you take is for, ensure you understand what you take and make sure you are taking it at the right time in the best way.

She will look for drug interactions with other medications you might be taking which is why it will be important to include both prescribed and over the counter medications in the review. Anne will then write a report to your doctor.

You can make an appointment to see your doctor who will discuss the medication review with you, taking all your clinical information into consideration, and decide if improvements can be made.

You are welcome to ask a family member or friend to attend the appointments with you.

Let us take care of your health today